Gold environmental certification in the category

Since 2001 working to obtain the best products in accordance with the international certification for the leather trade.


our history

The company M. J. NOVAES DE LIMA & CIA. LTDA., better known by its fantasy name, CURTUME IDEAL, was founded in March 2001, in the Industrial District of Icoaraci, in Belém/PA, with its profile always focused on the leather area. It started working exclusively in the salted leather business, seeking to offer the market the best that was available at the time.

In 2003, Curtume Ideal begins its industrial phase already processing some products for this vast segment of leather industrialization. Massively supplying its merchandise to the southern region of the country.

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our products

We work with the manufacture of WET BLUE

The manufacture of Wet Blue is the most primary process of using animal leather. The technology adopted is widely known by the leather industries and basically consists of passing the bovine or buffalo leather through the calender drum, fleshing machine, divider, tanning drum, wiper and measuring machine. The leather that is processed can be salted or not and the products obtained are Wet Blue with different classifications, shavings and shavings.

Wet Blue rating











we take care of

the environment!

The concern with preserving the environment is closely linked to the strategic department of Curtume Ideal, where our entire production process is carried out with this objective in mind. Working with the least possible impact on the environment is the basis of our values, but we keep in mind that prevention is still the best path. With this, we list the following principles:

Implement and maintain an Environmental Management System, appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impact of our activities and products, with a view to ensuring compliance with our commitments, with a focus on continuous improvement and pollution prevention.

Ensure the eco-efficient and responsible use of natural resources to reduce the consumption of raw materials, water, energy and other inputs.

Minimize waste generation. Reduce consumption, reuse and recycle materials when possible and dispose of waste appropriately and responsibly.

Evaluate, control and reduce the environmental impacts of our activities, focusing on continuous improvement and best industry practices. Invest in environmental innovation in our processes, products and services throughout their life cycle, seeking to reduce environmental impacts.

Promote ethical and transparent relationships with our stakeholders, regularly providing environmental information about our operations and products using open dialogue.

we achieved the

LWG Gold Seal!

It is with satisfaction that we announce the achievement of GOLD recertification by LWG – Leather Working Group.

Always seeking to obtain a sustainable production chain and preserve the environment, Curtume Ideal has been part of LWG since 2016, maintaining the maximum classification in the gold category, thus representing our commitment to quality and to the best social and environmental practices, offering the best process and product for our customers.

